Painting Factory

Alright, so over the summer I'm going to try my damnedest to do a painting a day. I know a lot of people do this after graduation to keep themselves in practice and to keep themselves from being lazy bastards, and since I feel like I'll probably need both I'm going for it. I have a feeling that with work at the museum it may end up being more like a painting a week, but I'm determined to keep my paintin' brain in good shape this summer.

My dictatorially self-imposed rules:

1. One small painting/fully-realized drawing a day, any medium, any subject (imaginary or from life, but preferably at least partially from life)
2. If I have a painting started that I particularly like, I can forgo a painting a day to work on that painting for a week
3. If I miss a painting one day, I have to do two paintings the next day, and so on

I'll probably officially start after graduation, cause I want to get at least some laziness out of the way before then. If anyone wants to come over and paint with me, any time, just give me a call or shoot me an email.

One of the reasons why I'm so excited? This painting:

When Edward Hopper painted this, he was standing in the exact spot where my car is parked, across the street from my apartment.

[edit]: If anyone has any requests, let me have 'em. I can't guarantee I'll get to them (especially if I allow myself to get lazy) but I'd love some ideas, and if you bother me enough maybe I'll get more motivated.

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